The right solution at the right cost.
One size fits all doesn’t fit anyone. Clear Water’s experienced staff approaches every project with integrity, expertise, and a tech-neutral scientific approach that ensures success. Our experience with local, state, and federal water quality regulations lets us develop the best approach to keep each unique project in compliance and on budget, while our fleet of high-quality rental equipment and experienced mobilization crews make it easy to deploy treatment systems on tight timelines.
Construction Services
Design & Permitting
- Site Environmental Management
- NPDES Support & DMR Reporting
- Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Development & Management
- CESCL/Environmental Services
- Dewatering
- Waste/Process Water Management
- CESF Design & Operations
- Mechanical Filtration
- Chemical Precipitation
- Multimedia Adsorption
- Remediation
- Ion Exchange, Etc.
Operations & Maintenance Support
- 24/7 Water Quality Monitoring & Reporting
- System Operations
- CESF Training Certification
- On-Call Consulting

"Knowledgeable, quick to respond and very professional"
– Chris Pierce; TITAN
University Village
Commercial construction dewatering project in Seattle, WA. 150 GPM.